Die Mitteilung von Gemstar International im vollständigen Wortlaut….
…wie sie am 18.06.2003 auf der Website www.gemstar-ebook.com zu lesen war.
A Very Important eBook Announcement
June 18, 2003 It is with deep regret that Gemstar eBook Group Limited must announce that we are scaling back our eBook operations and that we will ultimately be winding them down. We are both proud of, and grateful for, your support and would have preferred to continue our business in its present form. Unfortunately, however, we are not able to do so under today’s difficult market conditions.We are writing now to explain the changes we are making immediately and to describe the services that will continue to be available for at least the next three years. Effective immediately, we will no longer be selling eBook devices. To enable current users to purchase additional content, we will continue to sell content until 5 PM PDT on July 16, 2003, at which point we will cease to sell all books and periodical issues – either directly to customers or through Powells.com. During this period, we will reduce the price of most books (including Hillary Clinton’s popular new memoirs) to 40% off the publisher’s suggested list price in appreciation for your continuing support and in recognition of the limited period (described below) during which your Online Bookshelves will remain available.
Subject to these changes, for at least the next three years, users will be able to continue to use their eBook devices and content under the same arrangements as they do today. Specifically, to promote your continued use and enjoyment of your existing content, we will continue to maintain and store purchased content on your private Online Bookshelves at least through July 16, 2006 so that you may download content to your eBook device. We will also continue to provide the newly released Personal Content feature available through the web bookstore (http://www.gemstar-ebook.com and then click Personal Content) at least through July 16, 2006. We will decide prior to July 16, 2006 whether to continue to operate the eBook servers that support these services or to shut the servers down after that date and will provide you advance notification of any such shutdown. Whenever the servers are shut down, your content will need to be stored locally on your eBook device or in supplemental expansion memory that you would acquire from third party sources.
With regard to your eBook devices, we will continue to honor the warranties we provided on the GEB 1150 and GEB 2150 devices that we sold. Users who purchased devices from other suppliers should continue to seek warranty service from those suppliers pursuant to the warranties they provided.
To permit you to continue to enjoy your eBook content even if your out-of-warranty device should fail, we will provide a replacement device from our current inventory for so long as existing supplies last during the period our servers remain in operation. In some cases, these replacement devices will be a different model than your current device. Such replacements will be available to all eBook users, not just those who purchased their devices from us. In appreciation of your support, these replacements will be made available at no charge to you other than a $30 shipping and handling fee and accordingly will not carry any warranties (either express or implied). For more information on how the replacement program will work, please see our web site http://www.gemstar-ebook.com.
Some of you purchased GEB 1150 and GEB 2150 devices from SkyMall or our eBook online store under a 60-day refund policy. If you purchased one of these devices, you may obtain a refund by sending an email containing your name and the address to which the device was shipped to refunds@ebook.gemstar.com within 60 days after your date of purchase. Refund checks will be sent in six to eight weeks.
Some of you have also paid for content not yet received through subscriptions for periodicals or through the Monthly Content Plan. As soon as possible after July 16, 2003, we will refund any bookstore credit balances that may exist for undelivered periodical issues, Monthly Content Plan contracts, or other service credits. We will first attempt to issue credit to the credit card of record for your account. If we are unable to issue a credit card credit, we will then attempt to send you a refund check. It is therefore important that all customer account information including name, credit card information, and address is accurate and current. To verify and update your account information, you may:
- Go to the online eBook bookstore at www.gemstar-ebook.com
- Select LOG IN from the top navigation bar
- Enter an eBook ID and password and then review and update your account information
For further information on our plans and services, please see our web site http://www.gemstar-ebook.com.
Thank you for your support for the eBook business. We hope you will continue to enjoy your eBook devices and content under the arrangements we have described above.
The Gemstar eBook GroupAdditional Related Questions & Answers
Are you shutting down the eBook operations?No, not at this time. We have ended the sale of devices and, effective July 16, 2003, we will stop selling content. Subject to those changes, it is our intention that for at least the next three years, users will be able to continue to use their eBook devices and content under the same arrangements they do today. We intend to decide whether we will continue to operate the servers used to download content from your private Online Bookshelves to your eBook device at the end of three years. If we decide not to continue operation of the servers at that time, we intend to notify you in advance and wind down operations promptly.
Do you intend to give us notice in advance before you shut down your servers?Yes
Why are you making these changes in your operations?We were not able to obtain the size and revenue necessary to support the current eBook operations in today’s difficult business climate.
Can I buy additional devices from you?We are no longer selling new devices. Under some circumstances, however, you will be able to obtain a replacement device at no charge except a $30 shipping and handling charge if your device fails. Those circumstances are explained below.
What happens to the warranty on my device?We will continue to honor the warranty we offered on the devices we sold (the GEB 1150 and GEB 2150) through SkyMall or our online eBook store. If you bought your device from some other supplier, you should continue to look to them for service under the warranty they offered at the time you bought your device.
How do I have my device replaced or repaired?For all issues related to the use and operation of your eBook device, please call 1-602-744-6046, or send an email to support@gemstar-ebook.com. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM Central time.
What happens if my device is out-of-warranty and fails?To permit you to enjoy your purchased content even if your out-of-warranty device should fail, we will provide a replacement device from our existing inventory of new devices for so long as supplies last during the period our servers are in operation. Such replacements will be available to all users (including REB, Rocket, and SoftBook users), not just those who purchased their devices from us. In appreciation of your support, these replacements will be made available at no charge to you other than a $30 shipping and handling fee. That fee also covers the shipping cost required to return your broken device to us.
Are you making these replacements available as part of your warranty policy?No. This is our way of allowing you continued enjoyment of your device.
Will the replacements be covered by a warranty?No. Since we are not selling the devices and are making them available for no charge other than the $30 shipping and handling fee, there will be no warranty on the devices.
Will the replacement devices be the same as my current device?Not necessarily, but they will access your purchased content.
Can I buy additional content?Yes, until 5 PM PDT on July 16, 2003, when we will stop selling books and periodical issues – either directly to customers or through Powells.com.
Can I continue to buy periodical subscriptions?No, but individual issues of periodicals will be available for purchase through July 16, 2003.
Will I continue to get new issues of periodicals to which I have subscribed?Yes, until July 16, 2003. We will refund the value of any unused subscriptions to you after that date.
What will happen to my unused subscriptions?As soon as possible after July 16, 2003, we will refund any bookstore credit balances that may exist for undelivered periodical issues. We will first attempt to issue credit to the credit card of record for each account. If we are unable to issue a credit card credit, we will then attempt to send out a refund check.
How much will content cost during the remaining sales period?We have reduced the price of most books (including Hillary Clinton’s popular new memoirs) to 40% off the publisher’s suggested list price. This reflects our appreciation for your continuing support and recognizes the limited period (described elsewhere in this Q&A and in the message you received from us) during which your Online Bookshelves will remain available.
Why are you selling content at all if you will soon discontinue such sales?We want to accommodate users who would like to purchase additional content to read in the future.
What will happen to unused credits in my Monthly Content Plan?We will be refunding those credits to you as soon as possible after we stop selling content. Instructions on how to obtain a refund are below.
How will excess credits from the Monthly Content Plan be refunded?As soon as possible after July 16, 2003, we will refund any bookstore credit balances that may exist under your Monthly Content Plan. We will first attempt to issue credit to the credit card of record for each account. If we are unable to issue a credit card credit, we will then attempt to send out a refund check.
How will other Bookstore credits be refunded?As soon as possible after July 16, 2003, we will refund any Bookstore credit balances that may exist. We will first attempt to issue credit to the credit card of record for each account. If we are unable to issue a credit card credit, we will then attempt to send out a refund check.
How do I make sure my refund reaches me?It is important that all customer account information including name, credit card information, and address is accurate and current. To verify and update your account information, you may:
- Go to the online eBook bookstore at www.gemstar-ebook.com
- Select LOG IN from the top navigation bar
- Enter an eBook ID and password and then review and update your account information
Can I continue to access my content?Yes. Of course, you can continue to access content stored on your eBook device. We will also continue to maintain and operate the servers needed to download content from your private Online Bookshelves until at least July 16, 2006.
Will the Personal Content feature continue to be supported?Yes. We will continue to provide the newly released Personal Content feature available through the web bookstore (http://www.gemstar-ebook.com and then click Personal Content) at least until July 16, 2006.
What will you do regarding the servers after July 16, 2006?We’re not sure yet. If we decide to shut them down, we will let you know in advance.
What do I do with my content whenever you decide to shut down the servers?Your content will need to be stored locally on your eBook device or in supplemental expansion memory that you would acquire from third parties.
Will you continue to honor your prior refund policy on the devices you sold?Yes. GEB 1150 and GEB 2150 devices were sold through Sky Mall and our eBook online store under a 60-day refund policy. If you purchased one of these devices, you may obtain a refund by sending an e-mail containing your name and the address to which the device was shipped to refunds@ebook.gemstar.com within 60 days after your date of purchase. Refunds will be validated and processed within six to eight weeks of request receipt. Customers receiving such refunds will not be asked to return their eBooks so that they can continue to enjoy the value of any purchased content.
Are there any other refunds on other devices or on content?No. We did not offer any other refunds on the devices (GEB 1150 and GE 2150) we sold, on devices sold by other suppliers (REB, Rocket, or SoftBook devices), or on content in the past. We have no plans to adopt such new refund policies at this time.
What about old SoftBook and NuvoMedia (RocketBook) devices?As with the devices sold through SkyMall and our eBook online store, content will not be available for sale after July 16, 2003. We intend to continue to maintain and store purchased content on private Online Bookshelves at least through July 16, 2006. Please see above for further information about how to obtain a repair and replacement for your device.
Can I convert my 1150 back to an 1100 such that I can use Personal Content?No, but this is not needed. The 1150 now supports Personal Content (available at http://www.gemstar-ebook.com). This support will continue at least through July 16, 2006.
Can I convert my „.rb“ files for use on another eBook platform?Not generally. „.rb“ files are usually encrypted for reading on a particular eBook device. Unencrypted „.rb“ files may be convertible for use on other platforms, though we do not supply such a tool.
I’m an author, and have my titles for sale on your website. Will I still receive monies due?Yes. We intend to pay all monies due on content sold through the July 16, 2003, when we stop making content sales.
Who do I contact for more information?For all issues related to the use and operation of your eBook device, please call 1-602-744-6046, or send an email to support@gemstar-ebook.com. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM Central time.